What It's Like at GBS!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monadnock Mountaineers

Hey have you heard of the Monadnock

Mountaineers ?! If you haven't you have missed out on a lot. Abby P. Participates in cheerleading. This activity happens outside of school. They cheer for football in the summer and then in the beginning of school they compete in competitions. Abby explained to me that she got interested in cheerleading from Lauren K. and Adriana C. They told her to try it and then she did and this was her second year. They practiced on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, starting in the summer and going until they stop competing. " Cheerleading doesn't go on weekends unless we are going to football games or Competing," Abby explains to me. I asked her if any of her cheering interfered with schoolwork. She told me that it does because she doesn't get home till eight. Therefor she did not have time to finish her homework.

Unfortunately there competing ended on the 21st, They were at regionals. The Monadnok team was 6th they were really close to 5th though. I was lucky enough to go to that competition that was at the Verison Wireless Arena and I thought they did a Phenomenal job! Alot better than 6th place(: Lastly abby said " cheerleading is fun, but alot of work, you should try it!"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Book Review: The Knife of Never Letting Go

The Knife of Never Letting Go, by Patrick Ness, can quickly become the favorite of anyone who loves action, adventure, science fiction and a hint of mystery. Todd Hewitt, and his faithfully annoying dog Manchee, live in the New World. Here there is a 'Noise germ' that makes all thoughts men think heard by the rest of the men surrounding them, as if the man is speaking with a thousand voices and his mouth closed.

Todd has been raised being told that the Spackle, the native species on this planet, were killed during the Spackle war, that the women were killed by the Noise germ and that Prentisstown is the only settlement on the planet. Here boys become men on their thirteenth birthday (thirteen years of thirteen months). But,when there is only one month until Todd 'becomes a man', Ben and Cillian -his adopted parents after his actual parents were killed in the war- tell him he has to leave town. Todd has nowhere to go, as Prentisstown is the only settlement in the world, and is confused out of his mind. Where will he go? What is happening to Prentisstown? What is happening to Ben and Cillian? How will he survive in the wild?

This book should be read by every middle and high school student, and any adult. With 479 pages, this is a rather thick book, but personally it is well worth every second of the time it will take you to read it. Patrick Ness has a special skill for making his readers feel attached to the -pardon the term- 'good guys', and feel dislike and even hatred the 'bad guys'. He keeps just the right amount of suspense to keep you curious and reading.

I, personally, never read the inside flap of a book before starting the book because it feels like a spoiler. However, I advise all who plan on reading The Knife of Never Letting Go to read it. It will save you a lot of time trying to figure out what's going on and will make the book interesting from cover to cover.

This book is in the G.B.S. library. Talk to Mrs. Gnade!

*This is the first in a trilogy! The other two are The Ask and The Answer (2nd) and Monsters of Men (3rd). Both of these books are in the library, too.

Book image from Daemon's Books

Monday, November 8, 2010

Boys Basketball

"One player can enhance a team, but one player cannot be a team." says Mr. Baldwin coach of the GBS Boys Basketball. Congrats to: Jared Booth, Griffin Baggley, Liam Baldwin, John Byam, Josh Cass, Stephan Frosch, Antoine Halsey, Camron Hoffman, Mitchell Hoffman, Dakota Nute, Joseph Ricco, and Michael Whittney for making the team! Their next game is on December 7th at home vs. JRMS at 4:45pm. Hope to see you there! "We will work hard and hopefully achieve our full potential." Mr. Baldwin wishes because none of the players were on the "A" Team last year. Go Bobcats!