What It's Like at GBS!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Student of the Week!

One student that stood out this week for behavior was:

Tiffany Coty in Mrs. Ripley's sixth grade class! Your teachers really appriciate your excellent behavior in class. Thank you and keep up the good work!

YOU can become Student of the Week next week! All you have to do is behave SUPER WELL in all of your classes!

ELP Classes Are Changing!

Are you currently in an ELP class? Well the schedules are changing! We are saying good-bye to Greek Mythology and Scriptwriting, but we ARE getting some new classes! Mrs. Cullinan is offering two new classes, and a few openings in Lego Robotics. The two new classes are Set and Prop Design, where you can help make props for the school play coming in April. The other new class is Flip Video Movie Making, where- you guessed it! You can make movies using a flip video camera! Both classes are promising to be exciting, engaging, and an all around good time! To apply for an ELP class, pick up an application from by the cafeteria today!


Last basketball game in January! On January 31st Great Brook is playing Kearsarge at Kearsarge Middle School. Girls play at 3:30pm and boys play at 4:45pm. Hope to see you there rooting for the team!

(image from savingadvice.com)

Ski Club

Do you like to ski or snowboard? The Great Brook Ski Club goes to Crotched Mountain every Thursday starting in January and going for 5 weeks. If you sign up for the ski program and if you are one of those people that like to go to the mountain a lot, then you can get a discount on a seasons pass, through the program! Its just a tiny fee for the transportation on the buses and participating if you don't buy a seasons pass. Although it is too late to sign up now for this club, you could wait until next year!


Only a few left! There are only 3 games left in January! Today Great Brook is playing Marlboro. Boys at 3:30pm. Girls at 4:45pm. The game is at Marlboro School. They are also playing on the 28th. Boys play at 3:30pm and girls at 4:45pm. That game is also away at Milford School. Come and catch the games!

(image from allposters.com)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Student of the Week!

One student that stood out for behavior this week was:

REILLY McCARTY (# 3 on the girl's basketball team) in Mrs. Ketchum's advisory! Thanks a million Reilly for having outstanding behavior this past week. Keep up the good work!

YOU can become Student of the Week next week! All you have to do is behave SUPER WELL in all of your classes!

Book Review: Sundays at Tiffany's

 Caution: This book contains ADULT CONTENT!!

This novel by highly acclaimed author James Patterson is a touching story of childhood dreams come true.  Nine year old Jane Margaux has just one friend in the world, a supporting, kind and funny man named Michael who is an imaginary friend and can only be seen by Jane. But on Jane's tenth birthday Michael has to leave Jane and she is alone with a mother who seems to care more about show business than her daughter.

Fast- forward to when Jane is about thirty years old, and she finds herself face-to-face with guess who? Michael comes flying back into her life and she falls in love with him immediately. She can only hope that he feels the same way...

I finished this 320 page novel very quickly because I was instantly captured by the heart- wrenching plot line. This book puts feelings in your heart that aren't your own, and plants thoughts in your head to keep you curious and thinking about the book when your not reading it. I gaurentee that you will be touched by the gorgeous words of this everlasting novel.


"Life is a dance, from one stage to the next." Allee Proctor dances at Monadnock Performing Arts Academy(MPAA) in Peterborough, NH! This dance academy provides classes in ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, modern, point, and break dancing.

These classes take place on Monday through Saturday. MPAA holds a performance every year in June. Two to three times a year they have a company performance. To get into this performance you must try out. Allee enjoys dancing at MPAA. She recommends this Academy.


Great Brook is playing Monadnock on January 11th. Girls play at 3:30pm and boys play at 4:45pm. Come if you can! If you can't catch that game be sure to catch Friday's game! Great Brook vs. South Meadow! Boys at 3:00pm and girls at 4:15pm. Refreshments will be sold at both games.

(picture from monadnockteens.com)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Student of the Week!

One student stood out for behavior this week was:

Fifth grader KALBIE GRASSETT in Mrs. Shea's class!Thank you so much for being a Super Student this week!

YOU can become Student of the Week next week! All you have to do is behave SUPER WELL in your classes!

Book Reviews: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

Maximum Ride by James Patterson: Hi. I'm Max, and I'm just your normal, average teenage girl.
Yeah right. Max thinks she's a freak. She grew up in a science lab she and her friends nicknamed "The School". There she and her friends Fang, The Gasman, Iggy, Nudge, and Angel were genetically modified. They were only 98% human. The other 2% of their DNA was from birds.
All their lives they had been starved, tested, contaminated with diseases, and forced to sleep in a cage. They knew all too well that they weren't normal. Their bird-like wings and superhuman strength and senses were every day reminders. But thanks to a friendly scientist (scientists are nicknamed whitecoats) named Jeb Batchelder, they were able to escape.He gave them a home and a sense of security, until the Erasers went and blew everything up. Literally. Now they live in the wild, but they're unbelievably happy to be free of the fear and pain they were born into and grew up with. But when the youngest member of the Flock, Angel, gets captured by Erasers (wolf-men created by the whitecoats) Max and the gang are determined to get her back before she gets killed. What will happen along the way? Will Angel be okay? Will the Flock ever be free of the whitecoats? Read to find out!Fast paced and action packed, this book will have your blood pumping until the very last page.

My opinion: This book is awesome! Science fiction has never really been my thing but this book completely changed my mind. The chapters are short (some less than two pages) and the content is easy to understand. I quickly found myself staying up late at night to see what happens to Max and the Flock. James Patterson really made this story interesting, where as a less experienced author might have made it sound just plain creepy and weird. I give this book two thumbs up!Pick up this captivating book in the library today!

Ask Annabell

What are the qualities of a good friend?


Dear Searching,

The qualities of a good friend will always depend on the person you are. There are all sorts of different qualities, like someone who is nice, a good listener, funny, loyal, and also honest but the thing is some of these qualities might not be the same as another person. Another thing in finding a good friend is finding a common interest, if you share that interest you might become closer then you think. And don't forget opposites attract so even if you don't share a common interest you still can be friends.
