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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Book Reviews: Torment

Torment by Lauren Kate: Many things have happened since Luce was last seen in Fallen. After a battle between Daniel (Luce's fallen angel boyfriend) and Cam (the demon who says he must have Luce for himself), Luce is whisked away from Sword & Cross in Georgia, all the way to Shoreline, a school that houses Nephilim kids in California. There she meets Shelby, her abrasive roommate, and Miles, a boy with barely any angel blood in him. They both become friends with Luce and agree to help her uncover her past lives, the lives Daniel refuses to say anything about. Soon she is manipulating Announcers, the shadows she has feared all her life. Now she knows they are harmless messengers, but the info they carry can be far from safe. As she starts to know more about her previous selves, she gets closer to Miles and more distant from Daniel. She can't go home. She can't even leave the school grounds. She can't let anyone back home know what's happening or why. And as Daniel gives her more and more boundaries and rules, Luce is deeming it necessary to push the boundaries and break the rules to try to find some freedom and, more importantly, try to find herself, the person that has been lost in time, died a thousand deaths, and loved only one person. Filled with anger and a burning passion from page one, Torment will leave the reader aching for more of the story. Pick up the newest library copy today!

My opinion: I loved the book! I think what Luce learns really sets the stage for the next book, Passion (not yet released). The drama that went down made me really connect with some characters and made me really dislike others. All in all, the book was fantastic!

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