What It's Like at GBS!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Student of the Week!

Here's a 'SHOUT OUT!' to the Student of the Weeks this week:

5th grade: Kalbe Grassett has stayed on task and behaved appropriately in Ms. Bando/ Mrs. Kuchino's art class! Good job!

6th grade: We have two students for sixth grade this week: Hannah Reinfrank and Christopher Charbonneau both solved the Math Challenge in Mrs. Bundy's sixth grade math class! Congratulations!

7th grade: Ally Fife has been well behaved and respectful in Mrs. Ketchum's seventh grade math class! Thank you!

8th grade: Lilly Smith has been a brilliant influence on Mrs. Egan's 8th grade advisory! We really appricaite this thanks!

Ask Annabell


I have a student who is so unmotivated to do his work. He just sits and spaces out and when he works, it is slow. How can I help this student see how important it is to learn?

A Concerned Teacher

Dear Concerned Teacher,

There are a couple of ways to get this student motivated.

1) Have you called his parents to tell them whats going on, and ask if they can help on their end?

2) Make a list of why it is good to learn and get a good education.The list could include, it helps you get into college, you can get a better job, also if you want to be in the army you need to pass a test on things you will learn in school.

Then, sit down with the student, just you and him and tell him your concerns and mention some of the things on your list. If these things don't work I suggest that you make a meeting with you, the student and the parents and discuss whats going on and what everyone can do to help out this situation. Good luck to all.


Spring Sports

Winter sports are over. Too bad, but spring sports are soon. Sign ups are in the gym.

Spring sports are: Baseball, Softball, and Track & Field. "Softball is a great way for girls to get active in the spring. Come and join the fun!" Says Julianna Stone, a Great Brook softball veteran.

"Baseball is a good way to hang with friends and play a fun sport." Says Eli Rokes,a Great Brook baseball player.

Softball for girls and baseball for the boys, but track is for both boys and girls. Softball and baseball are team sports, but track is for working towards your own goals. If your not doing anything this spring come on in to the gum and sign up. Sign ups are near Mr. Ketchums office.

(image from trackpracticeplans.com)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Student of the Week!

This week for Student of the Week we will have one student from ALL of the grades! For:

8th grade: Dakota Nute for clearing the way for the other students while snowshoeing! (Thank you to Stephan Frosch also)

7th grade: Ashley Cheviot for getting settled in to a new school with fabulous grace!

6th grade: April Paine who is working very hard and being very respectful in Mrs. Blanchette's sixth grade classroom!

5th grade: Bailey Kirkpatrick who is letting Mrs. Moran sleep easy at night by behaving well in music class.


Are you interested in softball? Well, if you are, Rick Davis volunteers his time to help kids who are interested in softball, on Thursday nights from 6:30-7:30. There is about 10 girls there right now. If you would like to try it you can just show up. Rick also has a softball league, you can sign up in the Antrim Rec Office. Sydney Hutton also played on Rick Davis' softball league team and was a catcher, pitcher and short stop. "I think Rick is a great coach, I learned a lot from him," says Sydney. Annalise Davis also played on him team, she played first base and catcher. She also pitched. "It is a great learning experience, our team improved a lot from the beginning of the season to the end last year," Annalise says. Softball is a great sport, you should try it!