What It's Like at GBS!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Are you interested in softball? Well, if you are, Rick Davis volunteers his time to help kids who are interested in softball, on Thursday nights from 6:30-7:30. There is about 10 girls there right now. If you would like to try it you can just show up. Rick also has a softball league, you can sign up in the Antrim Rec Office. Sydney Hutton also played on Rick Davis' softball league team and was a catcher, pitcher and short stop. "I think Rick is a great coach, I learned a lot from him," says Sydney. Annalise Davis also played on him team, she played first base and catcher. She also pitched. "It is a great learning experience, our team improved a lot from the beginning of the season to the end last year," Annalise says. Softball is a great sport, you should try it!

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