What It's Like at GBS!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Book Review: Gone

Have you ever had a nightmare where you are the only one left in the entire world? Well for the kids fourteen or younger in Perdido Beach, California that's reality. They were just sitting in their school one autumn day and poof. All of the teachers and students fifteen or older just disappeared from infront of their eyes. 
 This 'scientific anomaly,' as Astrid the Genius would put it, becomes the constant thought on all minds. All of the petty dramas of children and young teens evaporate and chaos sets in. Cries begging for parents, siblings and friends can be heard throughout the streets. Infants, young children, and animals are left in houses without help and some of the kids are beginning to develop 'powers' such as teleportation, super speed and telekinesis. 
Sam becomes a sort of leader and Quinn, Edilio, Astrid and her brother Little Pete, are constantly by his side. The Barrier surrounds the Fayz (Fallout Alley Youth Zone), is electric to the touch and cannot be seen or gone through. Where are the adults? How long will this last? What happens when we turn 15? All of the past truths are, in essence, Gone.
I loved this book. The characters (the good ones at least) were fascinating and lovable, the scene was described to paint a picture in your head, and the situation gets your mind wrapped up and reeling. The second book in the series is called Hunger and the third book is called Plague and Plague will be released on April 5. Hunger and Gone are both available in the Great Brook website and get my five stars!

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