What It's Like at GBS!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Goodbye Great Brook

There are only a couple of days left until the 8th grade is in high school! Some cant wait to go to ConVal others are scared. This will be a big difference but a fun one. 8th grade will rejoin with other fellow GBS students as well as meet new kids from South Meadow School. The teachers from GBS have prepared the 8th graders for high school throughout the whole year and have done a great job. The kids at Great Brook will miss it dearly but they are ready for ConVal. I'm sure the students will come back and visit and they will always remember there time at Great Brook. There memories consist of the field trips to Lowell, Exchange City, Gregg Lake and of course Washington DC and there are many more. We will remember them forever but its time to say goodbye the GBS. So from all of the 8th graders to Great Brook School Goodbye for now and best wishes to you!

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