What It's Like at GBS!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Band & Chorale Field Trip

6th, 7th, and 8th grade band and chorale students, your hard work has finally payed off! On Friday, June 10th the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will be traveling to Otterbrook Beach! The form is due TOMORROW, June 8th, including medical form! Also, the form with the teacher's "OKAY" is due. Please bring a lunch or get the lunch from the school cafeteria. Also, please bring a bathing suit, towel, cover up shirt or jacket, sunblock, and lots to drink! Two lifeguards will be accompany us on the beach and streams for fishing! We will be leaving school at 8:30 am and returning at 2:00 pm. Mrs.Moncrief and Mrs.Moran would like to congratulate you guys for your consistent effort and a wonderful year!

End Of The Year Countdown

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ending the School Year

The last day of school
We finally escape
From waking up early
And not going to bed late

The countless projects
In all of the blocks
The typing and writing
By every off clock

I don't think we'll miss
Broken pencils and pens,
But I can't say the same
For all of my friends

We'll meet in the summer
And go in the pond
Swimming through the day
Until the sunlight is gone

We will ALL miss
By the end of the season
Our middle school
For whatever reason

Whether it be friends
Or playing at recess
Or sports after school
We'll miss G.B.S.

Poem by Jamie Ammon- Goodbye eighth graders! Have fun at Conval!

Student of the Year

Students of the Year buckle up for a wild ride! We are going to Canobie! Canobie Lake Park is a theme park filled with fun. We will leave at 8am and be back at 3:30pm. It will be tons of fun, but don't forget to bring a swim suit. "It was fun in the past and it should be great this time!" say Julianna Stone a Student of the Middle Years. This trip is only for Student of the Year. Student of the Year is being Student of the Month every month. If you didn't get it this year try for next year because it is definitely worth it.

(image from newsplusnotes.blogspot.com)

Goodbye Great Brook

There are only a couple of days left until the 8th grade is in high school! Some cant wait to go to ConVal others are scared. This will be a big difference but a fun one. 8th grade will rejoin with other fellow GBS students as well as meet new kids from South Meadow School. The teachers from GBS have prepared the 8th graders for high school throughout the whole year and have done a great job. The kids at Great Brook will miss it dearly but they are ready for ConVal. I'm sure the students will come back and visit and they will always remember there time at Great Brook. There memories consist of the field trips to Lowell, Exchange City, Gregg Lake and of course Washington DC and there are many more. We will remember them forever but its time to say goodbye the GBS. So from all of the 8th graders to Great Brook School Goodbye for now and best wishes to you!


I'm sure you have all heard the buzz about semi? For eighth grade only, every year we have the semi formal dance. This year it will be held on June 10th. For now the time is 7-9:00 pm but it could possibly change so keep your ears open! Cost later will be announced. This is a formal dance so dress up! Don't feel obligated to have a date, going with friends is always acceptable! For the girls, please make sure your dress is an appropriate style. This is a special night, towards the end of your eighth grade year. Make it worthwhile!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

End of the Year Countdown!

Seventh, sixth and fifth graders will have 21days left in school! Lucky eighth graders, however, will have just 20 days minus one for the day long camping trip!

Marching Band Rehearsal

The Great Brook concert and chorale students did great, but as you know, after the concert we have marching band! This year we will be playing in Antrim and Bennington . After school today there will be a practice so be sure to come! On Wednesday, 5th block we will be rehearsing and Thursday we will be practicing at the assembly and at AES. Be sure to have your lyres and music! Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ask Annabell: The Boy I Like is Dating Someone Else!

Dear Annabell,

The boy I like is dating someone else what should I do?

Dating Drama

Dear Dating Drama,

I have to ask is this girl your friend? If so you might want to tell her that you have feelings for this boy, I know it might be hard but it will hurt more if you keep it to yourself. Whatever you do don't try and break them up it will ruin your friendship with the girl and most likely ruin your chances with this boy. best of luck.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Book Review: The City of Bones


When Clary Fray goes to the Pandemonium Club, she doesn't expect to find a mysterious group of tattooed teenagers bearing bizarre weapons murdering a blue haired boy who disappears as soon as he dies. Nor does she expect no one else to be able to see any of them. These teenagers, who are equally surprised that she can see them, explain themselves to be Shadowhunters. They are in a secret group thats sole purpose is to rid the world of demons. Within the next 24 hours she receives a strange phone call from her mother, Jocelyn, and rushes back to find the apartment in ruins, her mother missing, and a demon waiting for her.

Who are the Shadowhunters? How can Clary see them? Where is her mother? Why are the demons interested in ordinary people like Clary and her mother?

This book, and the next three in the series, kept me on the edge of my seat. The characters were very real feeling and relatable.

"Exotic ... exhilarating and utterly gripping, Cassandra Clare's ferociously entertaining fantasy takes readers on a wild ride that they will never want to end." -Margaret K. McElderly Books

Be warned: this book contains some adult scenes, swearing and is rather lengthy. But I personally would advise anyone who can get their hands on it to read this series.

This book will be coming out as a movie soon, but its specific date is undisclosed. You can find multiple copies of this book in the library, along with books 2 through 4: City of Ashes, City of Glass, and City of Fallen Angels. There will be two more books coming out in this series, the City of Lost Souls and the City of Heavenly Fire, that will conclude the Mortal Instruments series. The former is set to release in May 2012, and the latter in September 2013.

There is also a partner series called the Infernal Devices series starting with The Clockwork Angel, which is also an amazing series. The second of this series will be out in September of 2011, as the Clockwork Prince. The third, The Clockwork Princess, will be out in November or December of 2012. I will be doing a review of the Clockwork Angel very soon.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

I'm sure you have all heard of the Pirates of the Caribbean? Probably one of the most popular movies ever am I right? Well then for the fans of these movies, you'll be glad to hear the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean is coming out! Captain Jack Sparrow reunites with a women from his past named Angelica. He can't tell if his feeling towards her are love. Captain Sparrow believes Angelica could just be using him to get to the Fountain of Youth. Angelica forces him aboard her fathers ship in search of the fountain. Turns out, her father is Blackbeard, one of Captain Jack Sparrow's worst enemies. Now he is not sure if he is more scared of the infamous Blackbeard, or his daughter Angelica. It comes out on May 20th and I'm sure it will be as great as all the other Pirates of the Caribbean movies!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Student of the Week!

Four students this week are the Student of the week for their grade!

In the fifth grade: Garret Miller in Mrs. Shea's class has been behaving SUPER well during class! Thank you!

In the sixth grade: Carly Storro in Mrs. Ripley's class has been focused 24/7 and sets high standards for herself in all of her work! Thanks Carly!

In the seventh grade: Steele Tamok has been doing phenomenally in Mrs.Janulis's social studies class! She appreciates your work!

In the eighth grade: Jared Booth in Mrs. Egan's class has no missing work! Thanks!

Book Review: Beautiful Creatures

Lena Duchannes is unlike anyone the small Southern town of Gatlin has ever seen, and she's struggling to conceal her power, and a curse that has haunted her family for generations. But even within the overgrown gardens, murky swamps and crumbling graveyards of the forgotten South, a secret cannot stay hidden forever.

Ethan Wate, who has been counting the months until he can escape from Gatlin, is haunted by dreams of a beautiful girl he has never met. When Lena moves into the town's oldest and most infamous plantation, Ethan is inexplicably drawn to her and determined to uncover the connection between them.

In a town with no surprises, one secret could change everything.

I  couldn't put this book down. The situation was dramatic but believable, the characters were exotic but relatable. This self contradictory story of love and fantasy is a must read for all middle and high-schoolers. I think the perspective that the Ethan character gives is brilliant. Being a girl, I found the male protagonist's views fascinating. It was also a bit of a relief to have the mortal in one of these fantasy type stories be a boy. I give this book five stars, and I highly advise everyone to go to the library to check it out.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Student of the Week!

Thanks and congrats to the following four Student of the Weeks!

For the fifth grade: Tallia Rokes has been behaving well in Mrs. Black's fifth grade classes. Keep it up!

For the sixth grade: Sylvie Holding in Mrs. Rice's sixth grade classroom has been friendly to everyone and we really appreciate it!

For the seventh grade: Jordan Robinson has been shining in Mrs. Egan's seventh grade earth science class. Thank you so much!

For the eighth grade: Lauren Klemett in Ms. Doherty's second and eighth block classes has been working great with others. Thank you Lauren!

Thanks to all of the listed students and all of the other students who have been behaving well that we haven't had a time to list yet. Please keep working hard and checking the blog for updates!


If you love Ice Age or any other movies like that than your going to love Rio! Rio is a comedy/ adventure about taking a walk on the wild side. Blu, a pet macaw, has never learned to fly. He thinks that he is the last of his kind. Then, Blu and his owner Linda find out that there is another macaw name Jewel in Rio de Janeiro. Blu and Linda fly to Rio to meet Jewel. But soon after arriving Blu and Jewel are kidnapped by a group of animal smugglers. You'll have to watch the movie to see what happens next! Blu meets a ton of friends in this movie of all types of animals. It looks like a sweet family friendly movie! It comes out April 15th so get a good group of friends and head to the movie theater. (Rio is also coming out in 3D!)

Soul Surfer

Soul Surfer is an inspiring true story of teen surfer named Bethany Hamilton, who had lost her arm in a shark attack. The shark nearly took her life. The doctors said she would not be able to surf after that. She proved them wrong, with her determination to become a champion again. The film features a great cast, including Anna Sophia Robb and Helen Hunt, with Carrie Underwood and Dennis Quaid. This movie hits theaters in April 8th, 2011! It is a must see!

Book Review: Gone

Have you ever had a nightmare where you are the only one left in the entire world? Well for the kids fourteen or younger in Perdido Beach, California that's reality. They were just sitting in their school one autumn day and poof. All of the teachers and students fifteen or older just disappeared from infront of their eyes. 
 This 'scientific anomaly,' as Astrid the Genius would put it, becomes the constant thought on all minds. All of the petty dramas of children and young teens evaporate and chaos sets in. Cries begging for parents, siblings and friends can be heard throughout the streets. Infants, young children, and animals are left in houses without help and some of the kids are beginning to develop 'powers' such as teleportation, super speed and telekinesis. 
Sam becomes a sort of leader and Quinn, Edilio, Astrid and her brother Little Pete, are constantly by his side. The Barrier surrounds the Fayz (Fallout Alley Youth Zone), is electric to the touch and cannot be seen or gone through. Where are the adults? How long will this last? What happens when we turn 15? All of the past truths are, in essence, Gone.
I loved this book. The characters (the good ones at least) were fascinating and lovable, the scene was described to paint a picture in your head, and the situation gets your mind wrapped up and reeling. The second book in the series is called Hunger and the third book is called Plague and Plague will be released on April 5. Hunger and Gone are both available in the Great Brook website and get my five stars!

Roller Skating

What are you doing April 11th? Clear your schedule because roller skating is at the AES gym. The family session is 6:00-7:30pm. The teen and older session is 7:30-9:00pm. Its $2.00 to get in and $5.00 for rentals. There will also be Dance Dance Revolution. Hope to see you there!

(image from bhlmc.wikispaces.com)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Student of the Week!

Congratulations to the Student of the Weeks this week! The winners are as follows:

For the fifth grade: Liam McGrath in Mrs. Shea's class has had great work ethic and friendship skills as of late. Thank you very much!

For the sixth grade: KJ Ammon "brings sunshine into our room daily. Her enthusiasm for work and school is contagious!" according to her teacher, Mrs. Blanchette. Thanks a million (:

For the seventh grade: Steele Tamok constantly shows excellent work ethic and determination. Thanks!

For the eighth grade: Lauren Flippo in Mr. Peter's IT class is constantly friendly and happy. Teachers appreciate it!

Thank you to these four and all others behaving well in their classes!

Pretty Little Liars

Have you ever lied? Well I bet you have never lied like the four girls in Pretty Little Liars. Alison DiLaurentis has been missing for about two years. After about a year the four girls, Spencer, Aria, Emily, and Hanna all got back together after recuperating from there best friends disappearance. A little after they all got back together the police found Alison's body and realized she was dead and not just dead, but murdered.

The family of Alison had a memorial service and after the service the four girls got a text message saying "
I'm still here -A". Ever sense then the girls have been getting texts from "-A" mostly black mailing the girls, making them do things to people or themselves, telling their secrets and using the secrets against themselves.

I love this show and I am addicted, one thing leads to another and it always ends with a cliff hanger with you wanting more. The second season of Pretty Little Liars airs on June 14th so get ready to catch up on when the marathon hits your TV!


On March 25th there will be a 5th and 6th grade dance and a 7th and 8th grade dance! The 2nd dance of the year! But, it will be the fist night dance. For 5th and 6th grade the dance is from 2:30-4:00. For the 7th and 8th graders its from 7:00-9:00. There will be refreshments sold. There will be games such as: limbo, twister and a dance off. Mr. Cogan will be the DJ. Allee Proctor says, " Theres gonna be cool lights, games and pizza, I am going to help set up, I think it will be really cool!"


Do you like action, animation, and adventure all jam-packed into ONE movie?! Well then Rango is for you! Johnny Depp plays a normal household chameleon named Rango. He gets lost and ends up in the town of Dirt. At home he goes through an identity crisis but in the wild he finds he stands out. Rango ends up being the towns last resort and is hired sheriff. It came out March 4th 2011 and will only be in theaters for a little while longer! Rango is about 107 minutes of pure fun! Starring Johnny Depp (Rango), Isla Fisher (Beans), and Abigail Breslin (Priscilla) you couldn't get a more exciting movie!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Student of the Week!

Congratulations to four lucky students at G.B.S. for winning Student of the Week!

In the 5th grade- Hannah Paine has been reaching out to help her peers in their studies in Ms. Black's fifth grade classroom!

In the 6th grade- Liam Baldwin has been a high achiever in the areas of math, friendship and sports! Thank you!

In the 7th grade- Ashley Ruston had been going above and beyond in all of her classes including Mrs. Ketchum's mathematics class!

In the 8th grade- Andrew Hunt has been completely nondisruptive in Mrs. Doherty's social studies and language art classes and she thanks you for it!

Otter Brook

Today the 8th graders in Mrs. Egan science went to Otter Brook. This is a once a month event where we hike around in snowshoes and find tracks of different animals.

"Today we tracked a skunk from the starting point in the meadow to the brook to the path that lead back to the meadow. Everyone got really excited when we found the next track." Says Jamie Ammon.

All of those who didn't go today, you sure missed an adventure!


The new movie Beastly is in theaters! Starring Alex Pettyfer, Vannesa Hudgens, Mary Kate Olsen, and Dakota Johnson, is sure to become an instant hit! The genre is romantic, drama, and fantasy. Beastly is a modern take on the classic Beauty and the Beast. The gorgeous Alex Pettyfer is playing the role as Kyle, a New York teenager. He is transformed into a hideous monster, until he finds his true love. It is a must see!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Student of the Week!

Today is a happy day in the eyes of four well- behaved students:

8th grade: Tasha Zabriskie has been well behaved in Mrs. Egan's eighth grade advisory, earning her a congratulations!

7th grade:  Robyn McFarlyn has been very courteous in Ms. Leclerc's 7th grade science class! She really appreciates it!

6th grade: Carly Cresta always wears a smile and hard- working attitude in Mrs. Blanchette's 6th grade classes!

5th grade: Ben Metzemakers has been curious and interested in all of his 5th grade activities!

Thank you to all of these students and many more who have been well behaves this week! Keep up the good work GBS!

GBS Spirit Week happened on February14-18. The days were Monday: PJ Day, Tuesday: Sports Day, Wednesday: Twin Day, Thursday: Decades Day, Friday: Crazy Hat/Hair Day! It was filled with a ton of spirit. There was a contest between the 5th-6th and the 7th-8th grade. For 5th and 6th grade Mrs. Black's 5th grade class won! For 7th and 8th grade Mrs. Kebler's 7th grade class won!

I Am Number Four

Have you heard of the new movie I am Number Four? Well it's only the best new movie around! Starring Alex Pettyfer, Timothy Olyphant, Teresa Palmer, Dianna Agron, and Kevin Durand. Alex Pettyfer as John Smith, is number four. A fugitive on the run from his enemies. Moving from town to town and changing his idenity, he meets the love of his life. There are nine of his kind, three are dead, and he is number four. Full of action, Julianna Stone said "I'd give it 5 stars!". With an action filled plot, you will be on the edge of your seat throughout the whole hour and forty-four minutes! I am Number Four is still in theaters so be sure to catch it!


Are you a Gleek? I am! Glee is a TV show on Tuesday nights at 8:00 on Fox. This show is great it has drama, comedy, relationships, relationship problems and of course singing!

Glee takes oldies and puts a new spin on them and the cast also sings new songs such as "Firework", Justin Beiber songs, "Tik Tok", "4 Minutes", "Telephone", and "Teenage Dream".

In the TV show Will Schuester, the Glee Club teacher, tries to get the club up and running but hits a road block and that road block's name is Sue Sylvester, the Cheerleading coach. Sue wants to demolish the Glee Club and she spends her whole time planning schemes and little comments that will bring Will Schuester down.

I love this show because of the singing and because how the Glee Club brings people from different groups together and becomes friends.

Softball Update

Softball pitchers! This Thursday stay after school to work with Mrs. Anderson. She will get you prepped for the season. Sorry folks, but games aren't starting 'till May.

"There are a lot of newcomers, which means a fresh start!" says the team's scorekeeper, Julianna Stone. Good luck ladies!

(Image from louisianaasa.com)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Student of the Week!

Here's a 'SHOUT OUT!' to the Student of the Weeks this week:

5th grade: Kalbe Grassett has stayed on task and behaved appropriately in Ms. Bando/ Mrs. Kuchino's art class! Good job!

6th grade: We have two students for sixth grade this week: Hannah Reinfrank and Christopher Charbonneau both solved the Math Challenge in Mrs. Bundy's sixth grade math class! Congratulations!

7th grade: Ally Fife has been well behaved and respectful in Mrs. Ketchum's seventh grade math class! Thank you!

8th grade: Lilly Smith has been a brilliant influence on Mrs. Egan's 8th grade advisory! We really appricaite this thanks!

Ask Annabell


I have a student who is so unmotivated to do his work. He just sits and spaces out and when he works, it is slow. How can I help this student see how important it is to learn?

A Concerned Teacher

Dear Concerned Teacher,

There are a couple of ways to get this student motivated.

1) Have you called his parents to tell them whats going on, and ask if they can help on their end?

2) Make a list of why it is good to learn and get a good education.The list could include, it helps you get into college, you can get a better job, also if you want to be in the army you need to pass a test on things you will learn in school.

Then, sit down with the student, just you and him and tell him your concerns and mention some of the things on your list. If these things don't work I suggest that you make a meeting with you, the student and the parents and discuss whats going on and what everyone can do to help out this situation. Good luck to all.


Spring Sports

Winter sports are over. Too bad, but spring sports are soon. Sign ups are in the gym.

Spring sports are: Baseball, Softball, and Track & Field. "Softball is a great way for girls to get active in the spring. Come and join the fun!" Says Julianna Stone, a Great Brook softball veteran.

"Baseball is a good way to hang with friends and play a fun sport." Says Eli Rokes,a Great Brook baseball player.

Softball for girls and baseball for the boys, but track is for both boys and girls. Softball and baseball are team sports, but track is for working towards your own goals. If your not doing anything this spring come on in to the gum and sign up. Sign ups are near Mr. Ketchums office.

(image from trackpracticeplans.com)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Student of the Week!

This week for Student of the Week we will have one student from ALL of the grades! For:

8th grade: Dakota Nute for clearing the way for the other students while snowshoeing! (Thank you to Stephan Frosch also)

7th grade: Ashley Cheviot for getting settled in to a new school with fabulous grace!

6th grade: April Paine who is working very hard and being very respectful in Mrs. Blanchette's sixth grade classroom!

5th grade: Bailey Kirkpatrick who is letting Mrs. Moran sleep easy at night by behaving well in music class.


Are you interested in softball? Well, if you are, Rick Davis volunteers his time to help kids who are interested in softball, on Thursday nights from 6:30-7:30. There is about 10 girls there right now. If you would like to try it you can just show up. Rick also has a softball league, you can sign up in the Antrim Rec Office. Sydney Hutton also played on Rick Davis' softball league team and was a catcher, pitcher and short stop. "I think Rick is a great coach, I learned a lot from him," says Sydney. Annalise Davis also played on him team, she played first base and catcher. She also pitched. "It is a great learning experience, our team improved a lot from the beginning of the season to the end last year," Annalise says. Softball is a great sport, you should try it!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Student of the Week!

One student that stood out this week for behavior was:

Tiffany Coty in Mrs. Ripley's sixth grade class! Your teachers really appriciate your excellent behavior in class. Thank you and keep up the good work!

YOU can become Student of the Week next week! All you have to do is behave SUPER WELL in all of your classes!

ELP Classes Are Changing!

Are you currently in an ELP class? Well the schedules are changing! We are saying good-bye to Greek Mythology and Scriptwriting, but we ARE getting some new classes! Mrs. Cullinan is offering two new classes, and a few openings in Lego Robotics. The two new classes are Set and Prop Design, where you can help make props for the school play coming in April. The other new class is Flip Video Movie Making, where- you guessed it! You can make movies using a flip video camera! Both classes are promising to be exciting, engaging, and an all around good time! To apply for an ELP class, pick up an application from by the cafeteria today!


Last basketball game in January! On January 31st Great Brook is playing Kearsarge at Kearsarge Middle School. Girls play at 3:30pm and boys play at 4:45pm. Hope to see you there rooting for the team!

(image from savingadvice.com)

Ski Club

Do you like to ski or snowboard? The Great Brook Ski Club goes to Crotched Mountain every Thursday starting in January and going for 5 weeks. If you sign up for the ski program and if you are one of those people that like to go to the mountain a lot, then you can get a discount on a seasons pass, through the program! Its just a tiny fee for the transportation on the buses and participating if you don't buy a seasons pass. Although it is too late to sign up now for this club, you could wait until next year!


Only a few left! There are only 3 games left in January! Today Great Brook is playing Marlboro. Boys at 3:30pm. Girls at 4:45pm. The game is at Marlboro School. They are also playing on the 28th. Boys play at 3:30pm and girls at 4:45pm. That game is also away at Milford School. Come and catch the games!

(image from allposters.com)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Student of the Week!

One student that stood out for behavior this week was:

REILLY McCARTY (# 3 on the girl's basketball team) in Mrs. Ketchum's advisory! Thanks a million Reilly for having outstanding behavior this past week. Keep up the good work!

YOU can become Student of the Week next week! All you have to do is behave SUPER WELL in all of your classes!

Book Review: Sundays at Tiffany's

 Caution: This book contains ADULT CONTENT!!

This novel by highly acclaimed author James Patterson is a touching story of childhood dreams come true.  Nine year old Jane Margaux has just one friend in the world, a supporting, kind and funny man named Michael who is an imaginary friend and can only be seen by Jane. But on Jane's tenth birthday Michael has to leave Jane and she is alone with a mother who seems to care more about show business than her daughter.

Fast- forward to when Jane is about thirty years old, and she finds herself face-to-face with guess who? Michael comes flying back into her life and she falls in love with him immediately. She can only hope that he feels the same way...

I finished this 320 page novel very quickly because I was instantly captured by the heart- wrenching plot line. This book puts feelings in your heart that aren't your own, and plants thoughts in your head to keep you curious and thinking about the book when your not reading it. I gaurentee that you will be touched by the gorgeous words of this everlasting novel.


"Life is a dance, from one stage to the next." Allee Proctor dances at Monadnock Performing Arts Academy(MPAA) in Peterborough, NH! This dance academy provides classes in ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, modern, point, and break dancing.

These classes take place on Monday through Saturday. MPAA holds a performance every year in June. Two to three times a year they have a company performance. To get into this performance you must try out. Allee enjoys dancing at MPAA. She recommends this Academy.


Great Brook is playing Monadnock on January 11th. Girls play at 3:30pm and boys play at 4:45pm. Come if you can! If you can't catch that game be sure to catch Friday's game! Great Brook vs. South Meadow! Boys at 3:00pm and girls at 4:15pm. Refreshments will be sold at both games.

(picture from monadnockteens.com)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Student of the Week!

One student stood out for behavior this week was:

Fifth grader KALBIE GRASSETT in Mrs. Shea's class!Thank you so much for being a Super Student this week!

YOU can become Student of the Week next week! All you have to do is behave SUPER WELL in your classes!

Book Reviews: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

Maximum Ride by James Patterson: Hi. I'm Max, and I'm just your normal, average teenage girl.
Yeah right. Max thinks she's a freak. She grew up in a science lab she and her friends nicknamed "The School". There she and her friends Fang, The Gasman, Iggy, Nudge, and Angel were genetically modified. They were only 98% human. The other 2% of their DNA was from birds.
All their lives they had been starved, tested, contaminated with diseases, and forced to sleep in a cage. They knew all too well that they weren't normal. Their bird-like wings and superhuman strength and senses were every day reminders. But thanks to a friendly scientist (scientists are nicknamed whitecoats) named Jeb Batchelder, they were able to escape.He gave them a home and a sense of security, until the Erasers went and blew everything up. Literally. Now they live in the wild, but they're unbelievably happy to be free of the fear and pain they were born into and grew up with. But when the youngest member of the Flock, Angel, gets captured by Erasers (wolf-men created by the whitecoats) Max and the gang are determined to get her back before she gets killed. What will happen along the way? Will Angel be okay? Will the Flock ever be free of the whitecoats? Read to find out!Fast paced and action packed, this book will have your blood pumping until the very last page.

My opinion: This book is awesome! Science fiction has never really been my thing but this book completely changed my mind. The chapters are short (some less than two pages) and the content is easy to understand. I quickly found myself staying up late at night to see what happens to Max and the Flock. James Patterson really made this story interesting, where as a less experienced author might have made it sound just plain creepy and weird. I give this book two thumbs up!Pick up this captivating book in the library today!

Ask Annabell

What are the qualities of a good friend?


Dear Searching,

The qualities of a good friend will always depend on the person you are. There are all sorts of different qualities, like someone who is nice, a good listener, funny, loyal, and also honest but the thing is some of these qualities might not be the same as another person. Another thing in finding a good friend is finding a common interest, if you share that interest you might become closer then you think. And don't forget opposites attract so even if you don't share a common interest you still can be friends.
